Suekichirou Ashitaka


- Oyabun

- The Golden toothed Dragon

Physical Appearance:

- [Age]: ??
- [Gender]: Male Hyur
- [Height]: 5 Fulm 7 Ilms
- [Weight]: 155 Ponze
- [Eye color]: Purple
- [Hair color]: Gray
- [Complexion]: Pale

Tattoos / scars:

- Several scars on his face and hands.
- His bottom and top rows of teeth are set in gold.

Clothing style:

- Formal clothing.


Born into the Ashitaka clan, Suekichirou was a prodigy who truly stood out in talent. He & Haruto were students of Shenzu Ashitaka the 2nd Head of the Ashitaka clan.

- [Birth place]: Hingashi
- [Childhood home]: Shirogane/Kugane


Don’t let his calm demeanor fool you. This gold toothed dragon is just waiting to eat his prey.

- [Weapon of choice]: Bare fists / Katana
- [Style of combat]: His version of Style of the Fang.


- Coin!

If there’s a way to make coin, Suekichirou will most likely be willing to head out how.

- Clan Ashitaka!

Being the Oyabun of the clan, he is always looking for muscle and more members.